
Thursday 16 December 2010

Stars of Tees Maar Khan at Cineworld Feltham

As I write this, my neck is in pain - never has it been so stiff! - from standing close to an hour in the cold, with my mother, for an opportunity to meet Akshay Kumar...and a glimpse is all we got. We're quite disappointed, seeing as we could have been in better the warmth of our house. My mother was quite excited and so was I, considering I've followed his career since my childhood - he was quite big in the early 90's, then disappeared for a really long time (details of which, I won't go into) before making his successful comeback in recent years. Akshay Kumar is a pretty big Bollywood actor and I have harboured a tiny crush on him since I was about 12(?) - I also think he could be Scott Bakula's Indian cousin or something, the two do look alike and I happen to have had a tiny crush on him too for about the same length of time.

Akshay Kumar (left) and Scott Bakula (right)...not that you needed me to point it out...

Not the best pictures I could find, but there is a resemblance...

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Review: Professor Layton and the Lost Future - COMPLETE

On Sunday I decided to put my butt into gear and complete Professor Layton and the Lost Future - this was done in a matter of 3 hours, pushing my total playtime to something like 16-17 hours.

There's not much to say on the matter, apart from just like with the previous two titles and the movie - I loved it! For some reason I found the puzzles slightly easier this time around - perhaps my brain is getting used to the pattern of the puzzles?

I never watched a trailer for this game, though for the purpose of this post I thought of including one...however, I thought it gave away too much so if you want to watch it, it's at the end of this post.

Monday 13 December 2010

Preview: Catherine

This is a post I've had in the draft stages since 28/10/2010. Not because I was stuck on things to write about, but simply because - much to my regret - I don't update as much as I'd like.

I came across Catherine while perusing my source for most information, Wikipedia, to get an update on the goings on at ATLUS, one of my favourite game developers/publishers. Honestly, I have loved every game they have come out with - specifically the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series. People tend to dismiss JRPG's simply for being thus - we all know the stereotypical archetype associated with it and mainstream anime/manga doesn't help matters. When I say 'mainstream' I refer to the stuff we tend to leap to when hearing anime/manga - big-eyed, pretty boys, androgynous characters, amply-bosomed girls, gratuitous panty-shots etc. It's true most of the market is saturated with harem stories rife with fanservice - 1 boy + 10 girls, who to choose? The childhood friend or the sassy girl who calls him a pervert all the time? - or teenage angst, but you don't really have to dig that deep to find a true gem. The same goes for JRPG's.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Recipe: Autumn Harvest Quiche

Autumn Quiche
Forgive the burnt look, it'll be explained later on...also I don't have fancy tableware...

It all started with a hunt for cheese...

I'm not a big fan of cheese and never eat it unless it's melted - the very definition of 'health' I am - however, I went to an event earlier in the year with my boss and his daughter in Richmond Park. Rather than the standard idea of 'finger food', like sandwiches, sausage rolls, cream tea and anything else you'd expect to see, there was guessed it! A cheeseboard! A range of cheeses that I know nothing about, apart from cheddar and mozzarella and maybe that mexican pepper stuff from Subway. Immediately, I could feel myself recoiling - I had to eat something, this was after all - judging from the choice of cheeseboard to common finger food - an upper-class affair and while my boss and his daughter may be used to this, I certainly am not. I do feel like a fish-out-of-water at times, and certainly do worry about coming off boorish and uncultured...but I stick around because it's all part of the experience!

Anyway, daunted by the range of the not-so-appetising selection before me - I mean mouldy, veiny cheese?! Why would you think that was good? I was raised to think once it turned blue, in the bin it goes! Then there's the smell and the texture...just ew! - I turned to my bosses daughter and confessed my inexperience, in the hopes that she could perhaps turn me towards some safer cheeses - ones I wouldn't cause a scene by up-chucking immediately. She turns to me and says not to worry, she doesn't know anything either but if you're interested those look nice - she's gesturing towards a curious, light-ish cheese with chives dotting it's surface. Thinking that I should be adventurous, I take two slices and a few slices of similar looking cheeses - all the while not knowing what they were - and grabbed a few baguette slices to pop them on, and maybe a few olives and celery sticks - I love olives and maybe they could neutralise the taste.

We joined my boss at a table he had procured, and I began to eat tentatively from my plate. The first two cheeses were ones I don't think I'd miss - I can't even remember them; I know they didn't taste all that nice, but not as bad as I had imagined - then it was time to eat the mystery cheese with chives. I eyed it eyeing me and then, mustering my resolve I placed it upon the baguette slice. I was surprised to find it quite spreadable, but my apprehension grew as I realised it could end up tasting like feta. With a celery stick at the ready - I was saving the olives for last - I took a bite and chewed...then kept chewing...then realised something strange was happening...I LIKED this cheese. It barely tasted like cheese, but had a buttery texture to match its spreadable-ness. I wanted to get up and grab more, but we had a presentation to get to and I never got around to asking what cheese it was...thus I fear the identity of this cheese shall remain a mystery...

Since then, each time I stopped by the supermarket, I would scour the cheese aisles looking for some clue as to the identity of it - much like the Prince searching for Cinderella, when all he had was the memory of their dance and her glass slipper. Then, just the other day, I went to Tesco with my mum - her quest being to procure some ink cartridges and pick up some food. Having mostly given up hope, I decided to do a more thorough search of what was available and came across the Double Gloucester with Chives and Onion. It certainly looked like the mystery cheese, if only a slightly darker yellow, and prodding it revealed it could perhaps have the same texture as well. Deciding that I didn't have much to lose, apart from my taste-buds waging war against me, I stuck it in the trolley along with some crackers.

The next day, as I semi-fantasised about indulging on a tea of Cheese'n'Crackers, I realised...what would I do if I DIDN'T like this cheese? I couldn't let it go to waste, since it wasn't its fault I didn't like it. Then the idea struck me, I could make a Quiche! I haven't made a Quiche since Year 11 and I've always wanted to try making one again - what a perfect opportunity! And so, remembering also that I had bought Sweet Potatoes in order to try the Houmous Recipe on, I decided to throw them together with a little onion. Partway through, I realised something felt missing and decided to throw in half a Green Pepper - otherwise I'd have forgotten they existed.

What follows is my recipe, made from a combination of THREE different Quiche - well, one of them was called Grandma's Sweet Potato Pie - recipes, I nabbed from my Baking Cookbook, combined with a little guesswork to get the Eggs/Milk combination which I'm glad turned out right!

Also, a not-so-interesting fact - the original title for this post was going to be Sweet Potato Quiche with Onion and Peppers, but that sounded pretty blah and then I realised that all the ingredients were least according to the Harvest Moon games...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Yes, I do know that song

A memory that keeps surfacing for me is one that happened only a few months ago, I think it was over the Summer because my youngest brother - who this post features - was looking forward to starting University - something he has worked very hard for.

Let's sidetrack a bit before I dive too deep into the event - my taste in music is...not so much unique, but rather I don't quite care about it. I listen to what I like the sound of and this usually consists of anything with good use of guitars and drums. I love golden oldies like Sinatra, Elvis, The Beatles, ABBA - who doesn't? I love a lot of old songs I don't know the artists and/or, in some cases, the names of. I bought the Toploader album - Onka's Big Mokajust for Dancing in the Moonlight, and it was a number of years later before I actually listened to the entirety of it and realised...I liked all of their songs, Achilles' Heel being my favourite - it barely makes any sense, but it resonates with me in a way that I actually understand what it's about. I remember my father buying the Trogg's album because my brothers and I loved the Wild Thing song from the Lion* adverts - remember those? Back when a 8-piece bucket of KFC was cheaper than it is today** - I never got around to listening to that got misplaced.

I'm only 24 at the moment, and these are the songs I love as well as a lot from the 80's/90's. There are a few songs I like from this decade, but honestly? Almost every song sounds the same to me, though one band I will faithfully listen to is Linkin Park. Say what you will, but I commend the boys on their efforts and experiments - the Black Eyed Peas never got flack for getting 'creative', and I doubt any of them have a set of pipes like Chester - the man's voice is heaven-sent. Okay, that may be going a little far considering Danny Glover's voice is chocolate for my ears...I know...I was surprised too...

...Oh if my SatNav was voiced by Danny Glover...

Sunday 28 November 2010

Vulnerable ≠ Weak

I'm in two minds about putting this up, mainly because it's a bit too personal and too 'bare-all' for my liking. However, as this is a blog to house my experiences, from the mundane to the not-so-mundane, I suppose I should really put it up in the hopes that someone out there who feels the same as I do, won't feel quite as alone as I do. So, I guess without further ado, in the hopes that you will find goes...

I don't really cry...not in public anyway, but something happened on my way home that just made me realise just how vulnerable I can be and I began to feel emotional on the bus home from my weekly volunteering at the Shooting Star Fundraising Office. No, I didn't give into the temptation of letting the floodgates open - I would never have been able to live with myself if I did - but what made me feel so broken, was the simple act of tripping on a kerb I didn't see in time because I was too busy walking to avoid a car pulling out and adjusting my torch.

It's silly, I know, but I've been encountering events that have chipped away at my confidence to function at night/low-light while my eyes are still working okay. I mean, I've tripped up in the past and I've usually chalked it up to clumsiness, but now that I know there's something wrong with me...I just wonder if the signs have been there all along. However, nearly a month ago now, I fell off the bus because I couldn't see the gap between it and the kerb, and hurt my foot in the process by landing on it quite badly...I don't think I broke anything, but it aches a little now and again. I didn't quite realise what had happened and sort of sat there in a daze, when a woman who had seen me fall lifted me up to my feet and continued on with her family as I limped to the nearby bus shelter.

The event was followed a few weeks later by missing the last step on the second-to-last flight of stairs. I had attended a meeting with my boss at a heritage site - Ham House - and I understand that they don't use lights in case of damage, but unfortunately the natural light didn't help much. I landed on my other foot this time, but luckily it didn't hurt as much. The incident with the kerb happened a week later, and it dawned on me as I sat on the bus home, that I'll never be able to function efficiently at all soon. Sure, there's treatments in development, but I'm not really all too keen in having cybernetic implants that require an external power source...maybe something a little discreet perhaps? I can't believe I'm being vain about this...I guess it's the girl in me, seeing as I'm quite butch in my thought processes otherwise. Anyway, by the time I need them, therapies and treatments may have been perfected - so bright side!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - COMPLETE

I seriously am getting quite tardy with my updates on this blog; the last one was on 12/11/10 - I suppose it's not bad, but considering how long I've been planning on having this post up...Actually, I only really completed this game - Trophies and all - last week.

It's odd when I think about it; I'm not really much of a Naruto fan, but I did enjoy this game and it's strangely the first game I've ever got a Platinum in - I always thought it'd be Bayonetta, since I'm about 10 easy Trophies away; what's taken me so long is completing that blasted Alfheim Portal on Hard so I can get the Umbran Tear! I got so close then lost my cool and died carelessly on the last wave - it's what happens when I get excited about reaching a long-awaited goal...

Anyway, back to Naruto. I watched the anime as soon as it came out and followed it religiously until the fillers kicked in. Close to 100 episodes of filler just so they didn't have to take a break until the release of the next arc, which was still being penned by the author! It was the fillers that killed it for me; despite not being canon, they were so badly written and consisted of 3-4 episode story arcs, which while offered time to expand on the characters not heavily featured, just grated on me with how lame they were. As soon as the 'Curry of Life' arc rolled along, I thought enough...just no.

I can't really remember much about them and this wasn't meant to be a vent post about the anime anyway, so let's focus on the game. I haven't played Ultimate Ninja Storm I, so I'm kind of doing this backwards - I did order it, however, and will play it after White Knight Chronicles. Then again, from my understanding, the UNS series basically recaps the story so far, so UNSI covers the story up until Naruto: Shippuden - again, I watched it as soon as it aired, and switched off as soon as the fillers came on; I haven't kept up since. I know I can always pick up the manga, but if what I've heard from my brother and my perusals of Wiki are anything to go by, I'm glad I chose not to. The end of Sasuke's Revenge arc seen in the game just further facilitates my reasons for not getting too deep into the series, though I will be buying UNSIII if and when it comes out.

Friday 12 November 2010

Valkyria Chronicles II Ordeal:; SEGA and LoveFilm

Buying a game online should be a relatively simple task correct? Pre-ordering is a bit of a challenge, depending on how anticipated the title is. I bought Valkyria Chronicles I a long time after it had been released and have yet to make time to complete it - currently it's competing with a few titles I'm playing consecutively: Blue Dragon; Professor Layton and the Lost Future; White Knight Chronicles; Last Rebellion; Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles; Final Fantasy II; Final Fantasy III; Final Fantasy V; Final Fantasy VIFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearer; Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness; Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility; Tales of Eternia; Tales of Legendia; Agarest: Generations of War and clean-up on Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (review pending) and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Oh, as well as my third time through Fate/Unlimited Codes - not by choice, but because my darn Memory Stick keeps corrupting my save data after a few months of inactivity...Despite playing that many games at once - the majority of which I haven't picked up in years - I still keep buying more and when I do, I'm a glutton for Pre-Order bonuses and Limited Editions...

Which leads me onto the ordeal heading this post.

Valkyria Chronicles II came out two months ago on 03/09/2010 and for those who pre-ordered the game, they were rewarded with a bonus code that allowed exclusive download and access of two Missions that would later be released on the PlayStation Network for purchase - date to be confirmed, though now it's available as part of a bundle of 22 Missions for the humble price of £3.99. Attracted to the offer, I hit Google and searched for the best price and came across the one on for £17.99. I put my pre-order in and waited; rather than what most sellers do and despatch the order in time for release, they despatched it ON release and I didn't get my game until FIVE days later. I forgave them for this, but found that I didn't receive my pre-order code and so I hit customer support.  Now this is probably my fault, but could easily be down to them not writing an accurate description for the product, but according to them they never advertised to offer the code. Either way, I asked for them to offer some assistance in reaching a resolution but there was nothing they could do and since I had opened the game, they couldn't refund it.

Okay, with them not being able to help, I took the next logical step and contacted SEGA - the publishers of the game in the hopes that they could help. They kept sending me back to the retailer, despite the numerous times I told them I had already dealt with them and they eventually said they'll look to see if they had anymore codes available. A few days of waiting later and they replied with a negative - no more codes.

I know what it looks like, all this for a measly code to get two extra Missions before they were released on the PSN. It's the principle! Lame defense, but I was in that frame of mind where I had pre-ordered my game with the intent of being eligible for the extra Missions and had been "robbed" of that - I don't roll over easily and will be tenacious in my endeavour until I have exhausted every rational/acceptable means.

Going for a last ditch effort, I decided to try and see if I could buy another copy of the game - one that clearly advertised providing the code - and came across the one offered by LoveFilm. Yes, I'm also crazy enough to pay for a second copy of the game just to get what I want...what would I have done with the other copy? eBay of course! It had been a month since release by this time - and SEGA had awful response times - and so I contacted LoveFilm before putting in my order willy-nilly, informing them of the situation and asking if they could make an exception in this case. I received a prompt and lovely reply from their customer service rep, which seemed promising, and put in my order. I received my game a week or so later and was informed that the code had been recalled from the manufacturer and once it had arrived it would be e-mailed to me. I waited a month and no code; I don't doubt that LoveFilm did all they could to help me, but seeing that it was now TWO months since the game's release, I thought it was quite pointless/ridiculous hovering around waiting for something that was quite evidently not going to happen.

I managed to get a refund from them for the game - they were lovely all the way - and decided to troll the boards for info on the new Downloadable Missions, as they had been released on the PSN by now. Specifically, I wanted to know if the pack included the two Missions that were pre-order bonuses. Little did I expect to find some news that greatly infuriated me; the two pre-order Missions had been available for free download ALL ALONG! They had been released on the PSN on 01/09/10 - TWO days before the official release! I checked the PSN the day I got my game to see if they were up and couldn't find a thing; the only download at the time was the game itself, which was also released on 01/09/2010. I don't know who to be mad it - myself; fate; SEGA...SEGA seems like a good bet. Surely the publisher of a game that happily sang about the release of the Mission pack on the PSN should ALSO know about the two pre-order Missions being available? I don't expect to know; after all retailers don't give technical support, but they should learn to write accurate product descriptions. I feel awful for putting LoveFilm in the position they were in for trying to help me - there was no way they'd know about the Missions being available on the PSN.

But...SEGA?! How could they not know?! I wasted TWO months in an effort to get what I pre-ordered my game for, and not once did they tell me to shut up and troll the PSN! Their customer service sucks!


Monday 8 November 2010

Marriage Criteria

Marriage is a subject that has come up more than a few times over the years, since I turned 18, and what has caused me to bring it up now is the fact that soon my brothers and I will be the only ones in my family, who have hit and passed 'Marriageable Age', who remain to get hitched. Nearly all of my cousin's who tick that box are either married to each other or some other cousin in the family, and I refuse to marry a cousin who shares my blood - some of my cousin-brothers have been candidates for me despite this tenet, though those were suggested by their parents and not my mother. My mother knows my stance on intra-family marriage, and I will not compromise the health of any future children I may be lucky enough to have.

That being said, any child I do have will be screwed anyway since there's a high likelihood that they'll inherit my condition, and so I have resolved that I will pay any amount there is to ensure my child will be free of this gene. Yes, I'm talking about Genetically Engineering my child since Retinitis Pigmentosa is currently an incurable condition, despite rather excellent recent developments in trial therapies to partially restore sight that remain to be perfected. I do remain optimistic, however, that hopefully at some point a definite cure (or as good as) will come into existence and I may not have to go down that route. I'm all for Genetic Engineering when it has benefits in the long-term, but I know that just like with Plastic Surgery, it will become commercialised and Gattaca* will be that much closer to becoming reality.

Anyway, the main point of this post is to highlight a fear that I have - do I tell any possible marriage candidates the 'small-print' included with their purchase**, or keep schtum and act as surprised and devastated as they are when the symptoms get worse? Being an honest person, I suppose I would most likely tell them at the first instance. However, the rules would be different depending on who's doing the proposing; should it be a run-of-the-mill Arranged Marriage, then I'd tell them there and then with some tactful questioning leading up to it. If it's a boyfriend, then I may be inclined to tell them a little later on...perhaps if they began to see the relationship going long-term, but then they'd have developed feelings for me so may be more inclined to stick with me for a while so as not to seem like a prick...I haven't even told the majority of my friends yet, let alone a non-existent boyfriend! See, it's a tough subject to bring up...I wish there was an easier way to do this, but I figure that since my eyes are okay for now, then there's no point and I should only bring it up in the real problem areas, like going clubbing or to the cinema or to a platonic 'dinner-date'...

Thursday 4 November 2010

There May Be Hope Yet

Not the next post I had in mind - I really should post more often/plan my posts better/make time to actually post - but I heard about this from a colleague at work and just had to share it:

Eye Implant Allows the Blind to See Again

Isn't that exciting?! I probably wouldn't have been as excited if I didn't have RP, but regardless of whether I did or didn't have it, I would definitely have been excited for those who were blind or suffering from the condition - both from an empathic position and a scientific one. I'm no scientist, but I am all for scientific advancement and breakthroughs and it's moments like these where science can be considered beautiful; it doesn't just destroy and cause pain but also brings life and joy.

The article isn't the only route for people with RP to regain their sight; an alternative is highlighted in the following:

Sight Restored to Mice Afflicted with Retinitis Pigmentosa

Looking at that title, it sounds straightforward, but it doesn't say the how...not like the first one. Also it's full of geek-speak, so I'll try and translate/summarise:

A Swiss team have been able to reactivate the cone cells of mice with RP. They have achieved this by introducing a protein via Gene Therapy, which switches the cells 'On'...

Thursday 21 October 2010

Pizza Express Launch Party

Last night, I attended the launch party celebrating the new look of Pizza Express at Richmond. I suppose to tell this story I should start somewhere near the beginning, so here goes: last November I started interning for a new inbound travel venture called Destination Richmond, where I now work full-time apart from Mondays, with the goal of generating interest in the Borough and encouraging short stays and weekend breaks - you can check it all out on the website. To supplement this vision, I started writing a blog about 6 months ago called Eye on Richmond, which details events and general goings on in the Borough.

A member of the PR team for Pizza Express found my blog and dropped me an invite the same day I read in the Metro about how the Richmond branch was experimenting a new style of service, by training their staff in 'small-talk'. What they neglected to mention was that the entire branch had undergone a make-over, by revisting their original vision and bringing it to life and that the Richmond branch was the first to test it out...and boy is it a great style - the only other branch I have been to is the one in Twickenham, and I've passed the Hounslow one many times while I was living there.

I invited two of my colleagues to go with me and one of them brought her lovely daughters and we all had a great time. I hung out with my PR contact and he was wonderful, even introduced me to a few other bloggers he had invited who were also fab to hang out with. They were Jackie Lee of I am a Feeder and Rajini Lolay of Young and Poor - lovely people who had so much advice to give to a relatively new blogger.

The party was fantastic, though there were a few times I had to pause and adjust to the low light and look for steps, but otherwise the staff were great about making sure we had food, which consisted of items new to the menu. Honestly, everything was so delicious, it was hard to keep myself from stuffing my face. If it's one thing about me, apart from my obsession with games, anime, manga and comics, it's that I love my food and I especially love pizza - I maintain that Michelangelo from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is the source of this, with his cute first words upon sampling the delicious dish: "Pizza...Pizza!" So yes, the Pizza Express launch party was like my heaven because everything was FREE and delicious.

The music was great and there was a caricature artist on site, and there were even some staff going about the room entertaining the guests with their amazing Pizza Tossing skills. However, I'd have to say that the highlight of the evening was the following:

Yes people, I met three cast members from Eastenders. In case you don't know, they are from left to right Stefan Booth, Nina Wadia and Himesh Patel, starring as Greg (Tanya's boyfriend), Zainab and Tamwar Masood respectively. Apparently, they were invited by someone Himesh Patel met during a charity event for Mencap. They were fantastic to hang out with and I sort of got trapped in their corner for close to half an hour, with Stefan Booth actually speaking to me. I'm still buzzing over that excitement, I mean especially with my condition, I never dreamed I would get to meet celebrities without paying to do so and it was wonderful how they were such lovely people - I truly feel honoured, and grateful for my eyes not deteriorating as fast I feared they would and I am thankful also for them giving me a beautiful memory to look back on. Actually, I'm more grateful for my PR contact for inviting me and my job for opening an opportunity I would never have otherwise dreamed of.

Okay...that sounded like an Oscar speech, but if I'm ever going to look back on this, I want to detail every emotion I feel and hopefully, I'll remember this night so vividly. To be honest, this is most exciting thing that's happened to me since catching a glimpse of Hideo Kojima at the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater launch event.

It's actually really funny how this came about, meeting the Eastenders crew, my colleagues had just left to get caricatures done and I was left looking after the bags and scanning the room, when just across the table next to me I thought 'Is that Stefan Booth? can't be Stefan Booth, I mean...Stefan Booth at a launch party in Richmond? Nooo...let me check his fansite 'cause if it's not, he's one hell of a look-alike, perhaps I should go up and say so...' I did check out his fansite and there was no information on any public appearances, the only latest message I found was announcing his very recent birthday - I don't really frequent his fansite, not that kind of person but they do come in handy sometimes.

I then looked up, convinced it wasn't him and saw two guys coming my way having been intrigued by the iPod/iPhone stand on the sill behind me. Why they chose my table, I don't know, but I informed them of it's purpose, which was to plug your device in and you can listen to your own music played through the overhead dome-speaker. They found it cool and my colleagues and I love the feature - it's like setting up your own private party!

Anyway, when they had left, I over that way again and saw Nina Wadia - there was no way I could mistake her - who was speaking to Himesh Patel, and the following popped through my mind: 'Oh my God! It's Stefan Booth!' I loved him on Dancing on Ice, then I was confused because she looked at me, beamed and waved at me like she knew me. I naturally waved back, somewhat thrown, and my colleagues came back whom I proceeded to tell about who I had just seen. When we looked back again, there was Nina Wadia smiling and waving again...needless to say, I carried out my plan to take a picture with them and went over. She apologised for waving - she had thought I was someone Himesh Patel knew because he was pointing in my direction, but not at me. Anyway, picture taken and a lovely night was had. I would go into further detail about what we talked about, but it's not really interesting and with the music so loud I could barely hold a conversation because of my low voice...just know that Stefan Booth was very entertaining and kept making me laugh. Also, all I could think about was how much of a tramp I looked...

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Preview: Supernatural: The Animation - Update (now coming February 2011)

I wrote about this earlier in the month and since then a second trailer has been released:

Looks like we'll have to wait another month for this to be released, but damn does it look good! Though I barely recognise any of the scenes from the live action series...though I think I may have spotted the ShapeShifter.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Review: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Aqua and Final Episode

Completed Aqua's story on Monday 4th October, quickly followed by the Final Episode the next day. Can I just say, before launching into my opinion of her arc, I am really not impressed with Aqua's VA. I appreciate the fact that voice-acting doesn't come naturally to some people and that this may be her first foray in the field, but she really didn't sound comfortable in her role. Especially when hearing Terra and Ventus sound so natural, and then to have her mumble her lines in that croaky fashion like she's trying to sound cool/keep her voice low for a YouTube video. Yes, a lot of people on YouTube sound like that when recording "How To's" and their own reviews and whatnot, and it's annoying; Croaky Voice DOES NOT = Cool.

I'm sorry, this has just been bothering me throughout the game and to sit through 11 hours of her arc plus the 1 hour for the Final Episode...ugh.

Anyway, apart from that minor gripe, her arc wasn't too bad, though again the pacing was off. For all three arcs, there seemed to be this disconnection from what the characters were doing, the development they were going through and the story that's trying to be told. It's interesting, however, how the origins of the more familiar characters has been told...though a few things could have warranted further thought. I just wish I knew whether Nomura either had this all planned from the beginning, or is throwing this all together as he goes because he never saw Kingdom Hearts I to be such a big hit. There was a magic in that flagship title that I haven't felt since, and rather than each successive title building on that magic (bar Chain of Memories), there seems to be a dynamic that he just won't give up. There are various elements that frustrate me about each new title...but this isn't the place for them, and nor is it the time.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Preview: Supernatural Anime coming January 2011

Now this is news! I came across this while browsing the DeviantArt Supernatural Club, which I helped found and am now trying to get back into a somewhat active role in running it. Someone posted up a Windows 7 theme for the show and I couldn't believe it when I Wiki-ed* the show and tracked down a trailer!

I'm so pumped; the 22 episodes due to air in January will cover the first 2 Seasons, though I wasn't all too impressed with the second Season...hated the Route 666 episode and hated how Sam lost the ability to do all his research and had to rely on Dr. Badass of the RoadHouse - though I did like Dr. Badass. Also hated how Ellen and Jo were introduced; the Season picked up for me after Tall Tales. It will also include some side-stories, obviously so it's not like you're watching the live-action series in animated form.

Can you hear me 'Squee!' in delight? Madhouse is also a very good animation studio, having contributed to Batman: Gotham Knight, Casshern SINS, Devil May Cry Anime, Death Note, Perfect Blue, Hajime no Ippo, Last Order: Final Fantasy VII and various other works including almost all CLAMP titles. Needless to say, I approve of the choice of animation studio.

*It's a fundamental aspect of my being; when in doubt, I Wiki.

Learning to say 'Goodbye'

So watching an older episode of Ugly Betty a second time made me think a little...okay well maybe a lot. The episode was about Daniel reaching Level 7 and finally making peace within himself and saying goodbye to Molly. It was quite a moving episode, though no more so than any other episode of any given series that deals with loss and moving on with one's life.

Learning to say goodbye on an emotional level is a difficult step and perhaps one of the few lessons we learn from our grandparents, or perhaps the very last that we should ideally learn from our parents. Of course life never goes so smoothly nor runs the same course for everyone, no matter how much we'd like to believe otherwise.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Review: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Ventus

Last Sunday (26/09) I completed Ventus' story in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and have since started Aqua's story. Yes, I completed his arc in one day...around 13 hours to be exact.

Going into my opinion of his arc, I have to say it's quite cute with his quest for friendship, but the pacing seems to be pretty off. The majority of the arc is dedicated to bouncing around worlds and making friends, while realising that his relationship with Terra and Aqua is unshakable. The last hour is then spent speeding through the important bit of the game's story...the χ-Blade (pronounced: 'ki-blade') of which we have a vague understanding about, taking Terra's story into account. Also, there is a major spoiler I'm very confused about...

Again, I reserve judgement until completing the game, but I shall leave you with this one thought...Zack is too freaking cute! He has always - even as far back as Final Fantasy VII - struck me as the kind of guy who made friends easily. I wish I could be more like that, or perhaps even have someone like that in my life...ah such childish dreams...but I'm learning. Though that line in Terra's arc was a little weird...wouldn't 'freeing one's heart' in effect kill them? I know what it was in reference to...but surely there was a better choice of words.

Speaking of 'kill', why oh why does everyone in a game/anime/manga/cartoon/comic/book whose death is a pivotal point in a story never do the deed themselves...why do they always expect someone else to do it for them? DRAMA!

Monday 20 September 2010

Review: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Terra

I received my copy of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on Thursday 9th September - one day before release this side! I experienced a mix of excitement and trepidation, but I guess this could sum up my reaction:

Well, really the last 3 seconds, but I love that clip. Cracking open the box, I looked at the artbook first and frankly, I'm disappointed by it. It could hardly be called an 'artbook', for it was full of promotional art and CG renderings and images - where was the concept art?! The only hint of 'artwork'/'concept art' was a 2-page spread on world designs. Now I may be a little picky, but Tekken 6 had a better 'artbook' supplied with it's Limited Edition - and I wear the hoodie with pride.

Going back to the game, I haven't even sampled the selected OST yet, but it was strangely addicting. I was hooked on Command Melding and maxing out my D-Links. I've chosen to complete it Terra - Ventus - Aqua, as recommended, and while his story was an innane tango with Light and Dark, the ending to his arc was a twist I did not see coming. Clearly, someone has learned from the master that is Hideo Kojima *cough*Snake Eater*cough*

Seriously though, I loved that twist, though I really feel that the division of Light and Dark is too simple - would one consider 'Anger' an aspect of Darkness? Surely the force behind the sense of 'Anger' is what determines it's classification? There are also a few a things I don't quite understand, but am hoping the other arcs will explain, though if not, I'll revisit them in a summary post.

Jupiter and Uranus to Waltz Tonight

Okay, so they're not exactly dancing, but for them to be merely 1-degree apart in the heavens is quite a sight and one I hope not to miss tonight - I've reserved a telescope that I will be picking up tonight from my local Argos.

It's really interesting how much celestial news I pick up from AOL News, the last time was in regards to the annual Perseids meteor shower every August. I missed it this time, though I did try to spot a few but am unsure if I caught any because of the light-pollution - so any of you folk out in the country, I envy you. Hopefully, I can catch the show next year if this telescope proves its worth and if my eyes hold out - I have this nagging and irrational fear that while I can see everything fine now, my condition will rapidly deteriorate much to my annoyance...and yet, I haven't really done anything marked on my Bucket List yet...

But anyway, I found out about Jupiter being the closest it's been to Earth since 46 years ago, and the next time will probably be in 2022...though I doubt it will be in conjunction with Uranus. Thus it is considered a very rare opportunity.

Wish me luck in being able to find it!

Article: Jupiter to make closest to Earth since 1963
The Sky Tonight

Saturday 18 September 2010

My New Consoles and Data Transfer

So, what with my brothers going to Uni this weekend, I've been forced to buy my own PS3 and XBox 360. It's an investment I was going to make at some point, as I had hoped to have moved out by now, but someone's got to be there for my mum until they get back...

Anyway, with these shiny new consoles, the issue came with transferring my data over. Especially the PS3 - we've all heard the horror stories about not being able to transfer the 'copy-protected' stuff.

Moving my data to my XBox was pretty painless - luckily my bro had a 16GB memory stick on hand that had to be formatted for 360 use. I transferred my GamerTag, after syncing my achievements, and moved/copied over all my save data and downloads. Then naturally these were moved to my 360 and all was well. The reason for copying some of the data was in case something went wrong; after formatting the memory stick a warning was thrown up saying that while it has been formatted, the memory stick wasn't 360 approved and some data may be lost during transfer or some such.

The PS3 was a little more worrying as I had progress I didn't want to lose on Bayonetta, so using a method I found a few months ago that preserved data (which I can't seem to find on the net anymore...) I gave it a shot...after backing up the data on my bro's PS3 in case something went wrong. I then created a dummy account and initiated the transfer using this account after following the deactivation steps and syncing trophies for the other accounts. Once the transfer was complete, I checked both consoles and all data was intact, though the 'copy-protected' data had moved completely to my PS3. the next thing was to test the Bayonetta save files and everything was fine, though for some reason my trophies were re-achieved...

So I'm not sure if Sony fixed the data transfer issues or this method of using a dummy account was what did it, but I didn't lose anything...Either way though, I'm happy and sorted for my gaming needs. Though I also heard that once certain data has been moved, you can't earn future trophies on that data - will update once tested.

Monday 13 September 2010

Eid Mubarak

A little late, but Eid Mubarak - yes, I am a Muslim. Every year I try to keep the fast during the month of Ramadan, and while I keep a few...I don't always keep as much as I should. Also, we're supposed to make up the ones that we miss, but I never do...not because I don't care, but rather because as a personal belief, I feel that we shouldn't have to make them up - what's the point in fasting if it's not during Ramadan, the holy month will have been and gone. Yes, I'm also very casual in regards to my religion, however everything I do doesn't go against the teachings of the Qu'ran, though you won't find me wearing a hijab/head-scarf anytime soon and that's a personal choice based on my interpretation.

That's a problem though isn't it, 'interpretation'. Every year when Eid or Ramadan rolls around, I'm reminded that based on the interpretation of the Qu'ran by one man, I'm always celebrating a day after everyone else. It's quite difficult to explain to people why I celebrate events a day after, especially to other Muslims considering the denomination I belong to isn't accepted by the others and people who belong to the denomination I follow are victimised in various ways. Though of course, that's only when regarding the extremists, and I never ask a person their religion - that's quite easy to deduce, but even then your religion is not my business and if you are like me, your religion doesn't define you and your actions, it's simply a part of you. I of course respect the decision of others to follow their religion faithfully, I admire them in fact for having the courage, strength and belief to do so. I do believe in God, but I'd rather believe in him my own way.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Go! Pikachu-!...rin?

I remember reading about this some years ago, only back then I think the article was poking fun at the name. I mean, come on...Pikachurin? This is the article in question, though I'm pretty sure I read it on a more credible source like BBC News or the Independent, seeing as I don't really troll For your convenience, the following is a Wiki link on the protein.

I understand why it's called as such, but seriously? That's the best they could come up with? It's a protein that's been around since time immemorial, surely it's more deserving of a more dignified name.

What brought this to my attention however, was reading up on what I have. Apparently in 2008, when the protein was discovered, the scientists on the team believe it could lead to the development of treatments for various ocular conditions, including RP.

Needless to say, if they are successful, I will be fighting to keep a straight face when I pop those pills, though I do have more hope for Gene Therapy/Stem Cells/Transplants.

Here are some other examples of oddly named proteins and whatnot in the body:
P.S. I don't mean to be snarky, but I do agree with the sentiment that if something's wrong with me and there is only one cure, I would appreciate it, in either case, not being named after something stemming from pop culture...unless it was Hadoken. No, seriously.

Monday 6 September 2010

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, a Fangirl's Dream

Well...maybe not in regards to the entire game, but I may as well admit this now. When I was young, I was raised on the Spider-Man Animated TV know, the 90's one. My most favourite episode/story arc had to be the one with Captain America - those episodes alone spawned an everlasting love for the heroic American icon.

But going back to Spider-Man, I crushed on him so hard...kind of weird when you take my age at the time into account. My next favourite episode/story arc was the one with the Spider-Men from alternate timelines being brought together, oh and then the one with the Heroes vs Villains. However, there were so many good episodes/story arcs, it's hard to just pick the top ones, though those are the ones that stick in my memory.

Even though I just found about this game a few days ago and it's due for release in a few days, I have been thinking a lot on this. That and my brother happened to zero in on the one aspect of the game that would interest me - the voice-acting...though story is always top on my list when it comes to rating a game. I don't usually have a gripe with the voice-acting in a game, but it is really cool that they brought back the Spider-Men VA's from most of the series out there...and it's especially cool that Prince Eric has come back as Noir Spider-Man, even though he voiced the 90's one. So yes people, Prince Eric/Spider-Man is my dream.

Watching the trailer, however, he sounds different...not that it's a bad thing - the tone suits the Noir-ness of the level. Needless to say, I will be stealing my brother's copy and he'll be lucky to ever see it again.

Final Fantasy XIV - To Buy or Not To Buy...?

It's September...I have my pre-orders in for Valkyria Chronicles II and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Limited Collector's Edition - the latter of the two somewhat (actually pretty much) grudgingly. You must wonder why I even bother buying a game, let alone the collector's edition, that I'm not too fond of...and I'll cover that another day - actually, I just thought about the content of this post and you'll most likely find out why a little later on.

One game I'm not sure about putting my hard-earned cash towards is Final Fantasy XIV. I'm probably not the only one who thinks this, but from what I've seen it looks like Final Fantasy XI repackaged - why would I want to pay for an essential clone? I'm not fond of MMORPG's - I see the upside of community, teamwork and playing with real people, but for me the downside lies in monotony, subscription fees and playing with real people. Why would playing with real people be a plus and a downside? Well playing with people is fun, you can talk and login for reasons other than hacking away at enemies and progressing the story - you can complete sidequests together. One fond memory I have of FFXI is when I was around Lv. 6 or so and I logged in to meet a friend, I had somehow earned the aggro from a Goblin and it nearly killed me when my friend swooped in and killed it at the last moment. Totally something out of an anime.

What I'm not too fond of when it comes to playing with people is 'teamwork'. If you're unlucky and end up in a crappy group, everyone will be out for themselves, or there'll be an evident imbalance in the team make-up. What frustrates me is that the very nature of the game forces you to play with other people and it's nigh impossible to play on your own after a certain point. Sometimes, well me in any case, one needs to be able to login and hack a few things, perhaps progress through a quest without the help of someone else, simply because rather than waiting for a team to be put together, I could handle it more quickly solo.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Final Fantasy I and II for the iPhone?!

So, surfing through the Apps available on the iPhone, I decide to browse the games - I love playing video games; if you came to my house you'll be in awe of the sheer number my brothers and I own. I think I'll take a picture and put it up, though there's hardly any point as the collection keeps growing. However, the more games I buy, the more I have to get through and so I have a great number in backlog...there's just not enough time in the day - what with work, TV and sleep!

Anyway, while browsing the games, I'm surprised to find that Square-Enix has actually released the first two games in the Final Fantasy series. Looking at the screens, the graphics, while still 2D sprites, are actually quite nice! However, this makes me wonder what version of the game this was ported from - it's been so long since I last popped in my Final Fantasy: Origins for the PSX that I'm not sure if it was ported from that...What if it's ported from the PSP or the DS version of the game? Or perhaps even the Wii?

Actually...I just Wiki-ed it and it turns out the iPhone version is a port of the PSP version.

Now I'm faced with a dilemma...since I actually like the graphics for these ports...should I buy the PSP version? Perhaps the load times will be faster? You see, what ultimately prevented me from completing Final Fantasy II were the awful load times upon enemy encounter.

This is all quite perplexing, especially when considering the scenario for a comic-strip I have yet to draw...Yes, I'm a comic fan too and an anime and manga one as well.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

In Memoriam - Frank Waters, my Step-Grandfather

Not my ideal second post, but I feel like I should at least write something.

Over the Bank Holiday weekend, my step-grandfather, Frank, was admitted to hospital due to a heart attack. He suffered another one and died at the age of 81. At this moment his funeral plans are being organised by his eldest step-daughter, Irene...but I don't think we're invited (more on this later)

I don't have very many memories of Frank, simply because we hardly kept in contact with my father's side of the family and after their divorce, we just never kept in contact - there wasn't really any reason to since the whole point was to break ties completely. From the one lasting memory I do have from my very young years, I get the impression that he was quite strict - I took a bite from something on his plate and put it back and he tersely told me to finish it. Other memories have him being more pleasant as I grew older, but we never spoke much and I never got to know him.

The last time I saw him was about 4 years ago - my mother's younger sister and three cousins had come over to visit from New Zealand and wanted to meet my father's younger brother as he had attended a funeral and met them briefly. My cousin and I knocked on his door and the youngest of his two daughters answered; despite the obvious flash of recognition in his eyes, he insisted he didn't know us, when I mentioned we had come with my mother, and denied going to New Zealand, until my cousin spoke up and he caved. We entered and it was then that we saw Frank in the front room - I remember it had once been a living room, but had since been converted into his room due to his deteriorating mobility. He seemed so happy to see us and greeted my mother warmly, though we didn't stay long.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

What's in a Name?

Naming something is a pretty big deal - after all the name you settle upon will define the entity for all time and you wouldn't want to give a stupid name to an entity that is supposed to have deeper meaning/higher purpose of sorts. That is what this blog is to me...granted stating that it has a 'higher purpose' outside of being a chronicle of my activities/hopes/dreams is stretching it, but all the same naming it was an issue.

As mentioned in the description, this is my 5th blog - the others are strewn all over the vastness that is the internet, though here they are listed with the newest first:

Devious Grad | The Harlot's Realm | EX's Corner | Hi5

Yes, I had an account on Hi5 and there are like two journal posts on there, but I'll update that link when I can find out how to link to it from the outside.

With this being my latest (and perhaps last) blog, I want it to have meaning, no matter how mundane, because perhaps one day, reading through it might help. I also want to be more dedicated in updating it, as the others simply fizzled away and died.

So, after much thought, I decided on naming this baby 'A Swathe of Colour'...after all, one day my life will be without it.