
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Go! Pikachu-!...rin?

I remember reading about this some years ago, only back then I think the article was poking fun at the name. I mean, come on...Pikachurin? This is the article in question, though I'm pretty sure I read it on a more credible source like BBC News or the Independent, seeing as I don't really troll For your convenience, the following is a Wiki link on the protein.

I understand why it's called as such, but seriously? That's the best they could come up with? It's a protein that's been around since time immemorial, surely it's more deserving of a more dignified name.

What brought this to my attention however, was reading up on what I have. Apparently in 2008, when the protein was discovered, the scientists on the team believe it could lead to the development of treatments for various ocular conditions, including RP.

Needless to say, if they are successful, I will be fighting to keep a straight face when I pop those pills, though I do have more hope for Gene Therapy/Stem Cells/Transplants.

Here are some other examples of oddly named proteins and whatnot in the body:
P.S. I don't mean to be snarky, but I do agree with the sentiment that if something's wrong with me and there is only one cure, I would appreciate it, in either case, not being named after something stemming from pop culture...unless it was Hadoken. No, seriously.

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