
Wednesday 1 December 2010

Yes, I do know that song

A memory that keeps surfacing for me is one that happened only a few months ago, I think it was over the Summer because my youngest brother - who this post features - was looking forward to starting University - something he has worked very hard for.

Let's sidetrack a bit before I dive too deep into the event - my taste in music is...not so much unique, but rather I don't quite care about it. I listen to what I like the sound of and this usually consists of anything with good use of guitars and drums. I love golden oldies like Sinatra, Elvis, The Beatles, ABBA - who doesn't? I love a lot of old songs I don't know the artists and/or, in some cases, the names of. I bought the Toploader album - Onka's Big Mokajust for Dancing in the Moonlight, and it was a number of years later before I actually listened to the entirety of it and realised...I liked all of their songs, Achilles' Heel being my favourite - it barely makes any sense, but it resonates with me in a way that I actually understand what it's about. I remember my father buying the Trogg's album because my brothers and I loved the Wild Thing song from the Lion* adverts - remember those? Back when a 8-piece bucket of KFC was cheaper than it is today** - I never got around to listening to that got misplaced.

I'm only 24 at the moment, and these are the songs I love as well as a lot from the 80's/90's. There are a few songs I like from this decade, but honestly? Almost every song sounds the same to me, though one band I will faithfully listen to is Linkin Park. Say what you will, but I commend the boys on their efforts and experiments - the Black Eyed Peas never got flack for getting 'creative', and I doubt any of them have a set of pipes like Chester - the man's voice is heaven-sent. Okay, that may be going a little far considering Danny Glover's voice is chocolate for my ears...I know...I was surprised too...

...Oh if my SatNav was voiced by Danny Glover...

Ahem! Getting back on topic, I also listen to a lot of J-Pop/J-Rock and - as per my heritage - Indian/Arabian music. Anything I like the sound of, which is good because I don't discriminate. Though it's also hard, because what do I say when I'm asked what music I like? I usually stick with Rock as my answer - though people tend to rattle off bands from this decade, whom I don't really know outside of Muse. I also love Classical music - the one type I do not listen to a lot of is Rap and it's various derivatives, though I admit there are some good ones out there - one example being Gangsta's Paradise.

My youngest brother listens to a lot of those kinds of music, though I wonder if I helped shape his taste and broaden his horizon, because strangely enough he also likes some of the stuff I do. I believe I remember him saying that I was the reason he was introduced to Papa Roach - I myself don't listen to him, but I happened to come across a good song of his while I was surfing the music channels one night.

Anyway, with that said, we're brought to the event. He was listening to music on his laptop while playing S4 League. After the round he was playing ended, he realised I was in the room and unplugged his earphones...the following is what happened:

My brother: "Hey, you're old, aren't you?"
Me ":...I guess...?"
My brother: "Tell me if you know this one," *puts on Bon Jovi's It's My Life*

I've had that song on my memory stick (for my car) and all the MP3 players I've ever owned over the past 3 or so years, and he's just come across it. It's awesome to know that he likes it, but it's a little disappointing that he discovered the song while watching a Hajime no Ippo AMV***

The reason why he thought I'd know the song in the first place is because he knows we like somewhat similar stuff, but mainly because he knows I like a lot of old tunes. Also, the reason why he considers me 'old' is possibly because of this, but moreso because he can't remember my age - all he knows is that I'm older than him, hence 'old'

* The advert in question:

** I have an old episode of The Real Ghostbusters Animated Series - I think it's the one with the fairytales coming to life - which has both the Lion ad and a KFC ad before it starts...I can't remember the exact price, but I know it was cheap.

*** AMV = Anime/Animated Music Video

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